About The Founder
With a love for cars dating back to childhood, owner and founder, David Perry Jr started Atomic Detailing with the intention of sharing his automotive passion with others.
Starting off as a "weekend detailer" in the Summer of 2003, David would detail several friend's and neighbor's cars to make a little extra cash. Soon, word spread and demand was overwhelming. Recognizing the earning potential, David spent that winter attending quality training at various detailing seminars from instructors with 20+ years experience in the detailing industry as well as investing in professional quaility equipment needed for the job. In March 2004… Atomic Detailing was born.
Since then, Atomic Detailing has quickly become a well respected company in the area. Most customers agree that the service and quality far exceeded their expectations and results are far better then what most established detail shops in the area could ever offer.
Atomic Auto Salon is seeking individuals for part-time / full-time employment for:
Detailing Technicians
Interior Repair Technicians
PDR (Paintless Dent Removal) Technicians
Paint Touch Up Technicians
1 or more years experience is preferred, but we will train the right individual. Employees will be required to work on weekdays and some weekends.
Interested parties may email to mail@atomicdetailing.com.